Well, apparently that hankering for graffiti has grown over the last twelve months, because before anyone could stop him, Stephen had taken a hammer and a stake from a game of horse shoes and carved my name in a rock. Stephen's no dummy. Now when
I guess it's comeuppance. When I was about six years old, I once carved my brother's initials in my great-grandmother's grand piano. Payback's tough, even if it is a little romantic.
We had blazing hot weather for the first part of the weekend, but by Saturday, the cold front had come through, bringing us some rain but also cooler temperatures. I spent the morning out in the boat watching my boys demonstrate their wakeboarding skills as well as another water sport I'd never before seen. Is it called surfboarding? Not sure. But it's when one rides on a surf board behind a boat holding onto a short rope.
Lawson demonstrates in the video below (Note: Turn your volume down. The boat engine in the video is quite loud): One thing that amazes me about this video (other than the fact that Lawson can perform this feat) is how long Lawson's legs are. Watch him when he stands up. That boy is all leg.
I can't show off one son's talents without recognizing the other. Here's some footage of Davis catching some air on the wake board (Again, turn down the volume on your computer). When I was his age, I thought I was pretty impressive just crossing the wake. It never occurred to me to try crossing it in mid air:
Many thanks to Laurie and her family for hosting another fun-filled luxury lake weekend! She deserves her name carved in stone.
As I recall, YOU are all leg! Very impressive on both fronts. Watching surfboarding and wakeboarding makes my knees hurt.
so, did Stephen really carve Nance into that rock ??? I thought someone else had!!!
Enjoyed seeing Lawson and Davis on the lake !!! thanks Nance !!
Your boys are so amazing across the "board", No pun intended! As for the "NANCE" on Gilligans Island, "Stephen" really???? I would never have put money on it being Stephen! So where do you truly think you got the poison ivy? And how you think you got it? I was thinking there might be some poison ivy around with all of the various greens around the property.
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