Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter 2012

Top ten reasons to celebrate Easter Tybee style:

1. The flowers:  No, not the ones bursting out on every bush in the yard because we haven't really had winter yet and the shrubbery is confused and thinks it's May, but the ones JoJo handed out to everyone upon arrival at 10th Court and pinned to their shirts and hair so that we could stand forth even more colorful than we were when we got dressed that morning.

2. The food:  Because nobody likes to go hungry, not even for five minutes, which is why JoJo orders six dozen pieces of fried chicken from Tybee Market, which we munch on all day, along with pasta salad, seven layer salad, broccoli salad, deviled eggs, baked beans, pickles, rolls, and assorted desserts. 

3. The ping pong table:  because this is the time of year when we can finally open the garage doors and play table tennis (except for this year, when we didn't really have a winter and had the garage doors open even in December) with fresh air blowing on us and a bubble machine giving the game that nostalgic Lawrence Welk ambiance.

4. The bocce tournament:  For when the ping pong doesn't get our heart rates up high enough and we have the urge to throw something a little bigger and heavier and something the size of a ping pong ball for the sake of acting like we're exercising off all that fried chicken mentioned in #2.

5.  The egg toss:  We don't have any ordinary egg toss. No, we toss eggs only from grain fed, free range chickens, the eggs that say "all natural" on the cartons and come with the cute little red imprint on the shell, which makes it worth spending the extra buck fifty for them, so that when we throw them at each other and get all gooey, we think, "Boy, we got our money's worth!"

6.  The grandchildren:  They're finally old enough to stand still and smile for the camera--genuine smiles that show they actually like each other, or at least they're willing to act like it for two seconds while someone snaps the camera. 

7. Watching a Georgia boy get his green jacket:  If it's Masters week, the TV at the Remler house will be on, and we will all be yelling, "Get in the hole!" But it's extra special when the final round of the Masters occurs on Easter Sunday, and a former Georgia Bulldog (named Bubba, no less) earns that green jacket in a double sudden death that ends with him weeping with elation in his mama's arms.

8.  Beautiful weather:  What could be more pleasant than a day of 75 degree sunshine and a gentle breeze that keeps the gnats and mosquitoes at bay while we enjoy our frosty malt beverages in festive pastel-colored solo cups? 

9.  Cool dudes: Because it's important to keep up that ultra cool persona even on a holiday.
10.  Spending time with friends and family:  Because Easter is the best time of year to recognize that when the chips are down, prayers get answered, and we can all be together on a beautiful day. 



1 comment:

Belle said...

Beautiful pictures, beautiful family, beautiful sentiment. I can't get behind Bubba sobbing, though! What a sap! (I'm one to talk, she who cries at commercials, but still).