Monday, August 30, 2010


Over the weekend, on our way home from running errands, I posed the following question to my family: Can Clorox swim? My vote was no. He's never had the opportunity to try the cat paddle without his little water wings. Davis and Stephen, however, disagreed. Swimming is instinctive, they said (even though Stephen's instinctive swimming ability developed when he was ten years old, and Clorox is only fourteen). So when we got home, we put the question to the test.

I manned the camera. Stephen conducted the experiment. Lawson served as lifeguard, and Davis...What did Davis do? Oh, yeah. He stood around and said "I told you so." He's good at that.

Although Clorox proved his swimming skills, he's not yet ready for the Feline Olympic Games. That spot goes to Catfish, the kitty owned by one of Stephen's clients. She was out boating in Turner Creek one day, when she spied a kitten, swimming for his life after some heathen had tossed it in. She scooped the kitten up with a fish net and took it home, naming it Catfish. Now, Catfish loves the water. He jumps in the sprinkler and splashes in puddles. I'm sure he'd be happy to swim laps across the pool and show Clorox up.

When he does, perhaps Davis will stand by to do the "Told Ya So" dance.

1 comment:

Belle said...

There is almost nothing funnier than cats doing stuff they don't normally do. Talking, driving (see: Toonces), swimming. Clorox is a hearty sea dog.