Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Eighties Day

This week is homecoming week at Saint Peter the Apostle School. Like many other schools, SPA celebrates the event by designating costumes to each day of the week. Tomorrow is eighties day. Lawson announced that at supper tonight, giving us very little time to prepare an authentic eighties costume. Stephen still has his parachute pants in storage, and nobody knows where the family's only Members Only jacket has gotten off to. So what can we do at the last minute to help Lawson look like he popped out of my high school yearbook? We thought of a few options:
At first we thought of styling his hair like that dude from the hit new wave band A Flock of Seagulls. Unfortunately, Lawson's hair isn't long enough in the front. If it grows more overnight, we'll be set.

With his hair's current length and color, we could always spike it up and make him look like Billy Idol. I think that's a great idea, but Lawson says he doesn't think he can keep his lip curled like that all day. 
Walgreen's is still open, and I could quickly pop over and get a bottle of red hair color so Lawson could dress up as Johnny Rotten. 
But my favorite option--also the easiest to put together and most comfortable to wear--is Tom Cruise's wardrobe in the famous dance scene of Risky Business. I think everyone, especially the girls, will like that outfit!
But Lawson wants to wear his white tee shirt and a leather jacket and go as Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Fair enough, but I think he's going to get tired of having a girl hang on his shoulder all day. 

What do you think? I've uploaded a poll on the right hand side of the blog. Post your votes now!


Belle said...

My 11 year old just won a costume contest by dressing like a nerd: fake glasses, buttoned up shirt, hiked up shorts, socks and shoes, and slicked hair. But I wanted him to go as Sid Vicious. Once a punk rocker....

Belle said...

(I should say it was an 80s costume contest)