Friday, June 15, 2012

Flag Day on Little Tybee

A little known American holiday is Flag Day. While most Americans save all their hoopla for the first week of July, the Remlers start their patriotic celebration a few weeks early. For the past several years, we have done so by taking an excursion on the boat. Why not stick with tradition? This year we made it a two-day affair.

Day one of the Flag Day spectacular saw the arrival of Davis and Lawson's famous Aunt Sabra, who came to Savannah for a short visit. Unfortunately, Auntie Sabes could not stay for the Friday afternoon outing to Little Tybee, but we did enjoy some time on Uncle David's dock while Lawson and his good friend Mills jumped into the high tide in Betz Creek.
I think Jim Carey should consult them for a movie appearance, don't you?
After they tired of jumping, Sabra and I asked them to take us on a cocktail cruise, and they happily obliged us, firing up the Triton and chugging it up and down the creek while Sabra and I enjoyed a vodka smoothie. Sharing their sense of adventure, Sabra and I consented to a short trip up the creek to the Walthour Road bridge, just to see if we could fit the boat under it at such a high tide. We would have made it all the way through, had the windshield been about an inch shorter.
Sabra found the bridge adventure a little bit freaky.
This is the grin of fear. 
Once we got Sabra safe on dry land, we returned to the house to find that Stephen and Davis had cooked a tasty low country boil with a side of California rolls. We coined the meal Asian South. It was really good. But the best part was the beautiful cake Stephen served for dessert. 
He must have baked all day!
Kelley and David came over from next door to help us put a dent in that delicious pastry. Next, Stephen surprised me with a new Fuji F770EXR camera! What a great gift. Ever since my St. Patrick's Day misfortune, I've been borrowing Davis's camera. But now I have my own. 
And just in time! Because the next day I had plenty of opportunity to use it! Under blue skies and with temperatures topping out in the eighties, the Remler family boated out to Little Tybee Island for the afternoon. We picnicked on the beach and swam in Jack's cut. Bob arrived on his kayak, and he was gracious enough to let us all have a turn trying it out.
The above three photos were taken with the new Fuji F770EXR. Pretty good, huh?

Everybody wore sunscreen. Everybody ate fried chicken. Everybody had a great time. And that's really what Flag Day is all about anyway, isn't it?

P.S. A big shout out to Stephen Remler, who made the whole Flag Day celebration possible! Thanks, Stephen!


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