Sunday, April 7, 2013

It's That Time Again: Time for Lacrosse!

Devoted Remlerville readers might remember a year ago when I posted frequently on the lacrosse adventures of Davis Remler. A middie for the BC Cadets, Davis became a lacrosse legend in the Remler family as he and his team took BC all the way to the state finals and won! Woo hoo!

Well, what readers may not know is that while they weren't looking, Lawson was going to summer lacrosse camps and playing pick up games at the Super Goose indoor lacrosse facility, and this year he is playing for St. Peter the Apostle's new lacrosse team!

Look at those Rams warming up!
That's right! The Rams have gone LAX! 
We have BC's lacrosse head coach Dick McAllaster to thank for the generation of the team. With Dick's help, our team got a special deal on lacrosse equipment. Dick also found the team a coach: Mike Pavlis, who happens to live very close to the school and has exceptional lacrosse coaching skills. So we thank him for volunteering his time to the school as well. We are also thankful that Bill Thompson has volunteered to serve as the team parent and keeps us informed of the team's practice schedule. 
Today Rams LAX had their first two games at Daffin Park, and what a beautiful day we had for some outdoor sports. After a rainy week, we were all ready for some blue skies and warm weather. Mother Nature dished it out with a heaping spoonful. Actually, I also have Chatham County District Attorney Meg Heap to thank too, because she was thoughtful enough to offer me some sunscreen. Thanks, Meg! My nose feels a little scorched, but at least my arms aren't lobster red like I thought they would be.
As the Heaps and the Remlers were trying to stay cool in the stands,  our Rams burned up the field, reigning victorious over Hancock with a score of 5-1. All of our team played well, but I must say that goalie Eddie Seginack did a good job of protecting the crease during that game. Lawson Remler and Drew Tison played midfield, and I think Ian Heap played attack, although I could be wrong about that because it's been more than a year since I watched a lacrosse game. (And that's all the lacrosse terminology I can remember, folks. Please be patient. It's a complicated game).
The game begins with a face off. That's Lawson out there in the middle (behind the ref) trying to get the ball in his stick.
Ironically, I found it fortunate that our players' uniforms had not yet come in because it was easier to tell who was who. Dressed in basketball practice jerseys, the Rams had on different shorts and socks. So I could tell who Lawson was not only because he has the long legs of a giraffe but also because he wore sparkly white cleats (Size 12, people. Sasquatch lives in Remlerville) and fancy RIP 10 lacrosse shorts. Drew Tison wore flourescent lime green socks; Ian Heap wore bright blue shorts, and Cullen Chapman wore red shorts. I think our team should dress like that at all the games!

See Lawson's ski boat feet? Look at those fancy shorts! Behind Lawson is Drew Tison of the glowing socks, and to Drew's left is the red shorted Cullen Chapman. I don't know who that other kid is. He's on the other team.
At our next game, I'll have to check out the socks on our team's only girl:  Jordan Thompson. With that hemlet on and those pads, and with the way she plays some mean lacrosse, she blends right in with the boys. She's one tough athlete!
After the first game, our Rams took a break before they faced the Blessed Sacrament Irish. Unfortunately, the Rams didn't take the win of that game, but do you know what? Scores don't matter! What matters is how well you play the game. Yeah!  
No matter the score, we're proud of our lacrosse players, and we're looking forward to another game, possible against St. James School. No matter who wins or loses, we'll be sure to bring enough sunscreen and water! 

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