Sunday, February 19, 2012

Saturday's Win Win for Rip 10

Lacrosse season is upon us again, and while we'll watch most of the season as Davis plays under the #16 for the Benedictine Cadets, he started the year as #0 on the specialty team RIP 10, which scored big time Saturday during the Ricky McAllaster Lacrosse Classic. RIP 10 defeated Bishop England with a score of 6-0, and immediately afterward reigned victorious over Irmo High School with a score of 11-2. Unfortunately, Sunday's thunderstorms put a halt to the tournament, but not to the lacrosse spirit in the Remler household.

Several Reasons I Like Lacrosse

1. The Action:  Lacrosse is often described as hockey meets soccer. The only familiarity I have with either hockey or soccer is that there are goals and sticks in hockey and there are goals and a field in soccer. So I agree. And like hockey, lacrosse gets really physical. When I first saw the BC boys play, I was shocked to see the players beating on each other with their sticks! How brutal! Now, three years later, I find myself in the stands cheering Davis on:  "Whack him, Davis! Whack him!" Ironically, when Davis is playing defense, I have to bite my tongue when the opposing players take a whack at him. But inside I'm screaming, Don't you hit my boy! But it's not just the physical contact that makes the game exciting. It's the constant motion. Lacrosse doesn't have the stop-and-go structure that football has. The players are constantly running, and I have to play close attention because when someone has possession (the ball is no bigger than a tennis ball), it's sometimes hard to tell where the ball is. Sometimes I have to remind myself that the player with the ball is the one the opposing players are beating on.

2.  The Simplicity:  When a player scores, the team earns one point. It's that simple. I don't have to worry about field goals, foul shots, touch backs or safeties. There's no bonus after five fouls as in basketball. It's just a point per goal. Even I can keep track.

3. More Simplicity:  Davis plays midfield. That means he plays in the middle of the field. The goalie plays--you guessed it--at the goal. After three years of watching football, the only positions I've figured out are the center and the quarterback. I still haven't quite figured out the difference between a tight end and a safety (which is also a way to score). When I watch football, I have to take notes and ask questions later. At lacrosse games, I can follow along.

4. Snazzy Uniforms: I know that's just a matter of aesthetics, but look at these shorts and shirts. I think they're kind of fun.  The only drawback is that players' numbers are only on the backs of shirts, so if players are running my direction, it's hard to tell who's who. I finally figured out who Davis was when Stephen observed that he was the only one wearing ankle socks, so he looked like he didn't have any on. See if you can point him out in the photo below:

4. The Other Parents: They're just fun to talk to in the stands. And I appreciate their patience when I yell, "Whack him, Davis! Whack him!"

We're sorry the weather didn't cooperate for us this weekend, but we have a full season ahead of us, starting this week! Here's to a fun, safe spring. 

Way to go, number 0!



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