Saturday, October 9, 2010

A Really Good Saturday

October's here. And the Remlers found much to smile about during this October weekend:
  1. First, we're still on cloud nine about Lawson's recent pass interception during the St. Peter's home coming game (see the posting below).
  2. Next, we traveled to middle Georgia, where Davis ran in the Bleckley Invitational cross country meet. (He finished in under 21 minutes. Not bad, Davis!)
  3. Afterward, we went to Harley's house,where we met our newest relative, Garrison (we like to call him Karl).

  4. Then we had a tasty lunch with Hugh and BB, followed by some outdoor activities, during which Hugh and Davis played Lacrosse and Lawson flipped on the trampoline.

  5. Meanwhile, in Athens the Georgia Bulldogs returned from their recent vacation to an alien planet and actually won an SEC game.
  6. Before departing, we made a stop at our favorite butchery, M&T Meats, on the Lower River Road in Hawkinsville, Georgia. We picked up some marinated pork chops, ground beef, bread and butter chips, and four jars of mild chow chow. Oh, and we can't leave M&T without picking up a bottle of Miss Alma's barbecue sauce (Davis's favorite).
  7. Supplied with protein and pickles, we drove home listening to the final minutes of the Georgia-Tennessee game and the opening minutes of the Alabama-South Carolina Game. To our delight, we also got to hear Bud Light Real Men of Genius ads--family favorites that we haven't heard in several years.
But now we're in a quandary. Should we be disappointed Steve Spurrier's team won or happy Nick Saban's team lost? Who knows? One thing's for sure: there are lots of pouting people in Alabama tonight. But the Remlers are happy folks.

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