Friday, July 27, 2012

Paddleboarding, Chapter 2

Dedicated Remlerville readers may recall a recent posting about Davis, Taylor, Nancy, Stephen, and Lawson trying out a paddleboard in Betz Creek. If you happened to miss that one, you can see it here.

The post circulated among the family, and the next thing the Remlers knew, relatives were phoning asking for a visit and requesting a turn on that paddle board. Sabra was the most eager to give it a shot. So Stephen borrowed a paddle board from his good friend Susan, and brought it home.

Unfortunately, when the Neffs and Lawsons arrived, Mother Nature blessed us with a blustery storm, which blew our rocking chairs across the front porch. We were afraid we'd have to put the paddleboarding off until the next day, but the storm only lasted an hour or so, and when it was over, we saw a lovely rainbow to the east.
I was really surprised my camera captured that.

We took that as a water sports sign, so we carried the paddle board down to Kelley's dock for the second installment of our now favorite recreational activity.

Sabra had the first turn, and with Martin's help, she carefully stepped onto the board. In no time she was paddling up and down the creek like a professional.

In fact, she got so good at paddle boarding that she even tried a few tricks! Davis and Lawson joined her in the water and tried to make her nervous, but she would not be swayed.
Do you know what's more fun than paddle boarding? TWO people paddle boarding at the same time! Davis and Lawson especially liked that activity, as it was kind of like king of the mountain, except on water. 
Sabra and I also tried doubling up, but we weren't interested in pushing each other off, as we were fully clothed. Davis and Lawson encouraged the horseplay, but we left that up to them.
So what else happened during our family visit weekend? Well, we had a delicious crab boil. Garrison was especially interested in that. 
While I had a book signing in town, Stephen took our guests to Tybee for an afternoon at the beach. Sydney, Asher, and Garrison played and played. The goal was to wear them out so they'd sleep well. But that idea backfired on Harley. 
When Harley wakes up, we'll have to ask him to share some of his beach photos with us. 
Nichole suffered from a case of plantar fasciitis, so we doctored up her heel with aluminum foil. 

Meanwhile, Skippy and Stephen cooked dinner. Because Skippy chopped the broccoli, we shared with her the beloved Dana Carvey tune. Can you believe she'd never heard it? She has now. We never miss an opportunity to enjoy that classic song:

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