Thursday, February 25, 2010

I Have a Dilemma

Davis's 16th birthday is Monday. We're having his birthday dinner on Sunday. Here's the problem: he's asked for Calypso chicken for dinner.

Now, my die-hard Remler Menu fans (all two of them) will remember that the first dish I made in 2010 was Calypso chicken, which I made at Davis's request. And then what did he do? He took off to eat at the Japanese restaurant with She Who Must Be Obeyed.

Unfortunately, I forgot to insert a birthday clause in the rules of the Remler Menu. Traditionally, in our house, the birthday boy gets to request his meal. But if I honor Davis's request, I will have repeated a meal, thereby breaking my streak! And I still have several other dishes to go!

What's a blogging, no-repeat cooking mom to do? I need your help. Should I make the Calypso chicken anyway and cross my fingers so it won't count? Should I let Stephen cook a Boston butt on the Big Green Egg even though Davis didn't request that? Should I make Davis cook the Calypso chicken, thereby allowing him to have his requested meal without breaking my streak?

Please leave a comment to cast your vote. Thanks!

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