Monday, March 29, 2010

Slow Cooked Boneless Pork Ribs

While browsing the meat counter at Publix yesterday, Stephen and I wondered what to cook for dinner this week. I've been so all about the rabbit all weekend that I really couldn't think past Sunday night's meal. I saw the pork tenderloins and suggested that for tonight's dinner. I've never cooked a pork tenderloin, but it couldn't be much different from cooking a beef tenderloin, could it?

But Stephen rejected that idea. Maybe pork tenderloin is too much like a Boston butt, which is Stephen's area of expertise. Whatever the reason, he reached instead for a package of boneless pork ribs.

"The baby back ribs were good in the crock pot," he said. "Maybe these kinds of ribs will be good too." He must have felt super-confident because he put two packages of them in the cart.

Since I had to leave the house early this morning and come home late, I chose to put the boneless pork ribs in the crock pot for dinner tonight. I threw them in the Reynolds Slow Cooker Liner and tossed in some salt, pepper, and barbecue sauce. Then I switched it on to low and went to work.

The boneless ribs were good. Not as good as the baby back ribs, which were splendid. But they were good. Adequate. Would eat them again, but not dance at the thought of them. Fine for dinner, but not exciting enough even to provoke a photo.

And Stephen bought two packages of them, so now we get to eat the rest of them Wednesday night. Yee ha!

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