Friday, September 28, 2012

Rams Beat Pants off Blazers

For the second time this season, the St. Peter the Apostle Rams went head to head with the Bethesda Blazers:
This time, though, Bethesda's boys came better prepared. They'd practiced. And they came determined not to let the game be a shutout. They succeeded, but in so doing, they got a little overzealous and brought the game to a standstill just before halftime.

Poor Zach Strickland (21) absorbed the ram's share of the Blazers' enthusiasm, as one of Bethesda's lineman (I think he was #44 long) mowed him down and left him lying on the fifty yard line with a sprained neck. Zach gave us quite a scare, but fortunately he was all right.

Still, Rams don't like it when one of their own gets carted off the field in an ambulance. So while the Bethesda boys thought the Rams might be a little skittish after seeing a teammate get injured, just the opposite happened. They got mad.

And they decided to take those Blazers to the cleaners.

Who had a good game Tuesday night? Drew Tison (#5) scored three times for St. Peter's (He ran down that field so many times, I almost lost count). Aiden Anderson (#9) also earned a lot of yards rushing (That time I did lose count), and I think he scored too, leaving the Blazers a little frayed at the seams.

Lawson had a splendid moment in the fourth quarter as he completed a pass from #18 Adam King. Wide open, Lawson leapt up and cradled that ball like it had a homing device taking it right to him. At first, we all though Lawson had scored a touchdown. Even the referee had his hands in the air. But then the officials realized he was on the five-yard line, not the goal line. It took several more downs, but our boys finally took that ball to the goal post (Way to go, Drew!).

By the end of the game, the Rams had ripped up the Blazers, 28-6. Our boys really know how to work as a team.

Do you know who else works as a team? The parents! Our team's moms and dads gather weekly to rally behind our boys. For instance, whenever the team needs someone to work the chains, Stephen Remler and Sean Sheppard always step up to the plate (I know that's a baseball metaphor, but it still works).

And who serves as the team organizer and keeps the stats for our boys every week? Carmen Thompson. Look at her up in that press box, keeping her eye on that field, making sure she gets all those statistics correct.

Carmen also coordinates the moms' spirit wear. Look at these great tee shirts Carmen ordered for us from Bahama Joe's! They have our boys' names on the back with their numbers too. That way when we sit in the stands, everybody knows who our players are. We will wear these shirts proudly next month at homecoming.

Nancy, Allison, Mary

And Kristi is our parent videographer. She hardly had a seat the whole night because she felt duty bound to capture the game for posterity in digital video. We might just see the game on YouTube next week!

Our boys wouldn't have fine-tuned athletic prowess without the help of all our coaches and trainers:  William Autry, Lawton Tison, George Miller, Barry Dodd, and Tommy Harrison. And special words of appreciation go to head coach Scott King, who has stuck with these boys, football and basketball, for the past two years. Way to go, Coach King!

Next week the Rams take on Savannah Christian. Tune in to Remlerville to learn how the Rams butted the Raiders!

1 comment:

Belle said...

You look awfully cute in your spirit wear!