Thursday, January 21, 2010

Did Domino's Live Up to its New Ad Campaign?

If you've had your TV on in the last couple of weeks, you're sure to have seen Domino's new ad campaign. In case you've missed it, the new ad says this in a nutshell: "We used to suck, but now we're better. Give us a try."

Well, the St. Peter the Apostle fifth grade basketball season has left us at least twice a week a bit short on time for dinner. We've eaten out more during the week than usual. Tonight, we decided we'd bring dinner in. Domino's piqued our curiosity with their new ads and new low, low prices. Why not give them a try?

Granted, we're not hard to please where pizza's concerned. We hardly ever order pizza; in fact, I can't remember the last time we did. But when we do, we call Domino's because they're around the corner, they're fast, and they're cheap. Taste never really enters the equation.
So tonight after the St. Peter's Rams' unfortunate loss to the Calvary Cavaliers, Stephen stopped over at Domino's and picked up two pizzas: one with pepperoni and black olives and the other with ham and pineapple. We ate all but two pieces. Here's the verdict:

  • Davis: It was good.
  • Lawson: It could have been a little bit better. The crust was a little too buttery (He ate three pieces just to be sure of his opinion).
  • Stephen: It's fine. I liked it before. It's a little more spicy now.
  • Nancy: It tastes like pizza.
And there you have it! According to the Remler family, Domino's is worthy of staying in business. We're curious to know what others think of this gutsy new ad campaign and updated pizza recipe.

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